The National Service Scheme is an Indian government-sponsored public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhiji’s Centenary year in 1969. Wikipedia
N.S.S. Activities at B. N. College Bhagalpur
The principal objective of National Service Scheme unit, Bhagalpur National College Bhagalpur is towards building a beautiful world and spreading the message of environmental preservation, peace and education among today’s youth. N.S.S., B. N. College Bhagalpur works on a diverse range of social issues including blood donation, spreading awareness, environmental issues, spreading education at primary levels, etc. Our N.S.S. unit also aims to work for the betterment of society and instill the spirit of social service among the young students. It organizes almost all national events enriched with moral and spiritual values, such as International Yoga Day, National Youth Day, National Environmental Day, National Science Day, National Road Safety Week, awareness drive to encourage voting participation in the election. Apart from these events, unit organizes 7 days special camp every year, particularly at deprived area. During these seven days, volunteers conduct various awareness drive among residents belonging to this area. Furthermore, N.S.S. volunteers of this college participate in several activities/meetings directed by university authorities. We also regularly monitor the adopted a deprived locality in order to develop it as ‘model village’, in accordance with direction given by governing authority. We frequently visit this adopted area and conduct various awareness drives among which, health issues, cleanliness drive, educations, woman empowerment, plantation, hygienic related drives are important. In this context, volunteers along with Principal, university officials and college employees equipped with banners and slogans conduct a rally from college to this village.
N.S.S. unit of B. N. College Bhagalpur works on a diverse range of social issues including blood donation, spreading awareness on various relevant issues, environmental awareness program, spreading education at primary levels, etc. Our N.S.S. unit also aims to work for the betterment of society and instill the spirit of social service among the young students. Some important drive performed are listed below:
- Several medicinal plants were planted inside the campus on the occasion of World Environment Day -2019 (on 05.06.2019)
- International Yoga Day was celebrated under the supervision of yoga expert. Almost all staff and many volunteers/students have participated in the event. (on 21.06.2019)
- Some of our volunteers were selected for National Integration Camp (21 June 2019-27 June 2019) organized by Govt. of India (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports) and Regional Directorate of N.S.S. Kolkata at BanwarilalBhalotia College, Asansol, Paschim Bardhman (W.B.).
- A cleanliness drive was performed by volunteers in the adopted village, Domasi, nathnagar with Principal, B. N. College and other staffs, where after cleaning, we sprayed bleaching powder throughout the area. Also, we planted some plants there(on 12.07.2019)
- Blood donation camp was conducted, in which many college employees and volunteers have donated their blood. (on 24.07.2019)
- As we have adopted a deprived locality (‘Domasi’ near Nathnagar, Bhagalpur) to develop it as ‘model village’, in accordance with direction given by governing authority, hence we had organized a seven day special camp here from 09.08.2019 to 15. 08.2019. During this camp different social awareness drive, e.g., cleanliness drive, voter awareness drive, health awareness drive was demonstrated among deprived residents.
- Recently our volunteers played important roles during successful conduction of inter-university sport meet (2020) ‘Eklavya’.
- A Road Safety Awareness Drive was accomplished by NSS volunteers at NH-80 near college campus. (on 14.01.2020)
Activities during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown Period (2020-2021):
The COVID-19 pandemic is considered as the one of the most crucial global health calamities of the century and the greatest challenge that the humankind faced so far. Accordingly, a nationwide lockdown had to impose in India, which has been further extended in different periods in Bihar. During this lockdown period, interaction with N.S.S. volunteers has been continued regularly using online audio-visual mode. Selected volunteers have participated the webinar organized by the Youth and Culture Department of Bihar Govt. on 6thMay 2020.They are taking part in different awareness program related to this pandemic in their respective locality. They have distributed more than 500 self-made masks and germ fighting soaps among respective villagers. During this session, they also demonstrate importance of social distancing and different parameters of this lockdown, instructed by government. They also encouraged people to install ‘AarogyaSetu Mobile App’ in their smartphones. Using various social media also, they are spreading message to install this app and to strictly follow different guidelines given by government.
- International Yoga Day Celebration (2020):On the occasion of International Yoga Day (2020), NSS unit of B. N. College Bhagalpur has celebrated the event through zoom meeting on 21st June 2020 in the presence of Principal Prof. (Dr.) Nilu Kumari and Program Officer Dr. Ambika Kumar. We followed the theme Yoga @Home and Yoga with family. Demonstration of various yoga postures and it’s importance were excellently delivered by our retd. colleague Dr. J. P. Sharma sir, which was technically supported by Dr. S. K. Jiloka (Dept. of commerce). Many college staff, students and NSS volunteers (Sujeet Prabhakar, Saawan, Ramesh Rajak, etc.) attended this event.
- World Environmental Day (2020):The event is celebrated every year on 5th of June. This year, owing to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19 situation, few members of college employees could participate in the event. We could manage to collect some fruit bearing plants like Aanwala, Amrood, Nimbu, Bel and Kathal were planted in the presidency of Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Nilu Kumari. Apart from the conventional plantation, we also assemble (with proper physical distance maintenance) and took oath to protect the environmental asset. In this regard, we discus current environmental status in the influence COVID-19 pandemic situation. On this occasion, Dr. Ambika Kumar (P.O., NSS), Dr. Amit Kisore Singh, Dr. Irshad Ali, Sri Anupam Anand Verdhan, Sri Anant Ritwik, Sri Nageshwar Pd. Singh and Sri Pankaj Kumar were present.
- Fit India Freedom Run: In the direction of Youth programme and Sport Ministry, Govt. of India, N.S.S. Unit of B. N. College, Bhagalpur has organized an online quiz based on fitness awareness campaign on 01.09.2020 (following instruction of COVID-19 guidelines). Accordingly, various N.S.S. Volunteers/Participants not only from India, but from other countries have also participated in the quiz. We have provided graded e-certificate to the successful participants.(Date: 01.09.2020)
- Voter Awareness Drive: A voter awareness drive was organized by N.S.S. volunteers at their respective native places under the restrictions of COVID-19 guidelines. Volunteers have conducted programs in which they visited door to door, especially in rural and deprived areas. They tried to demonstrate the importance of casting a vote (whether it is for Parliamentary election, assembly election or any other local elections) to the residents and encouraged them to utilize their constitutional right in proper ways. (Date: 26.10.2020)
- Human Rights Day: On the occasion of HUMAN RIGHTS DAY 2020, N.S.S. unit of B. N. College, Bhagalpur organized an online quiz on the relevant topic. Several faculty members/students had participated the same. An e-certificate were sent to them through their respective e-mails. (Date: 10.12.2020)
- Participation of Volunteers in Republic Day Tableau:S.S. volunteers of B. N. College Bhagalpur had participated during 72nd republic day celebration at university stadium. They exhibited Rajasthani dance in colorful Rajasthani attire. They also performed various cultural activities in the college (B. N. College, Bhagalpur). (Date: 26.01.2021).
- Participation in one day meeting at senate hall:Event was organized on the topic: Lifestyle and Personality Development. Dr. Mukherjee was the resource person who explained how to cope up various difficulties in positive way. Volunteers have also participated in the questionnaire session after his motivational speech.(Date: 17. 02. 2021)
- Participation in one day workshop at B. N. College, Bhagalpur:A one-day workshop on the topic: Educational Challenges and Opportunitieswith COVID-19, was conducted. Speaker was Dr. Sanjay Kr. Rajhans from Moscow University Russia. Volunteers had attended his lecture and participated in question answer session. (Date: 05.03.2021)
- Participation in workshop on International Women’s Day: On this particular occasion a one-day assemblage was organized at T. N. B. Law college, where Dr. Sanjay Kr. Rajhans (from Moscow University Russia) has delivered a lecture on International Regularity Regime and its Compliance: Women’s Right in Developing Society. Volunteers from B. N. College had participated in the event and secured third position in post lecture contest. (Date: 08.03.2021)
Future Targets and Objectives:
Along with regular activities by N.S.S. unit of B. N. College, Bhagalpur, we are determined to nourish the extra curriculum behavior of volunteers. In this direction we will arrange different awareness campaign at various localities (priority will be given to adopted village), from which following are important:
- Pollution awareness drive: In this direction, our motto is- Protecting the environment should not be symbolic and should be done all year. Accordingly, we will conduct various awareness programme in order to make people more sensitive towards pollution awareness.
- Health awareness drive:With an aim to give the rural poor people- especially the children, an access to health care, our N.S.S. unit willencourage periodic health check-up awareness programme and various health interventions on a regular basis. It will also aim to bridge the gap between the rustic folks and the typical Government Health Service Providers in Block level health centers and PHCs. Such camps will organizeincluding villagers, retired veteran doctors, health workers and our volunteers.
Blood donation camp: Modern medical science has made lots of advancement, but it is still incapable to produce human blood, the lifeline of human being. At the crucial time, blood donation saves thousands of lives. So, blood donation is importantand it needs to be preserved in the blood banks. In most parts of our society, people are skeptical about donating blood for the cause of saving precious human lives. Hence, our unit motivated the youth of the community to come forward in donating blood for strengthening the bond of humanity in our society. In 2019 (in collaboration with JLNMCH, Bhagalpur), our unit has organized a blood donation camp within the community settings in college campus, where 10donors of our unit voluntarily donated blood.
- NSS special camp:We are conducting 7 days special camp every year. This year also we will adopt a suitable village and will perform various relevant awareness programme, where volunteers will gain/share valuable interactive as well as informative experiences with villagers.
- Girl education awareness drive:Every day, girls face barriers to education caused by poverty, cultural norms and practices, poor infrastructure, violence and fragility. Girls’ education is a strategic development priority for the World Bank. Girls’ education goes beyond getting girls into school. It is also about ensuring that girls learn and feel safe while in school; have the opportunity to complete all levels of education acquiring the knowledge and skills to compete in the labor market; learn the socio-emotional and life skills necessary to navigate and adapt to a changing world; make decisions about their own lives; and contribute to their communities and the world.Girls’ education is a strategic development priority. Better educated women tend to be more informed about nutrition and healthcare, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and their children are usually healthier, should they choose to become mothers. They are more likely to participate in the formal labor market and earn higher incomes. All these factors combined can help lift households, communities, and countries out of poverty.
- Energy saving awareness drive:If we wish to save energy, it’s important that people become aware of the energy consumption that they are responsible for. Simple changes in people’s behavior can quickly lead to significant energy savings, but such changes will only happen if the people are aware of the energy consumption that they have the power to control.If we can guide and encourage them appropriately, people can probably achieve huge cuts in energy consumption. Everyone knows that saving energy is a good thing, but most people will only be motivated when someone can demonstrate just how much energy they are wasting, and just how much potential there is for them to improve. Essentially,we need to raise the energy awareness amongpeople. And for this, we need an energy-awareness campaign.
- Human right awareness drive:National human rights commission in India hasmandated to “spread human rights literacy among various sections of society and promote awareness of the safeguards available for the protection of these rights through publications, the media, seminars and other available means. In this context, we will conduct an awareness programme to demonstrate fundamental human rights specially people belonging to deprived areas. This drive will also include voter awareness drive among people who are unaware and careless about this powerful constitutional right.
- Cleanliness awareness drive:Cleanliness is most important for physical well-being and a healthy environment. It has bearing on public and personal hygiene. It is essential for everyone to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and the various diseases that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions. The habits learnt at a young age get embedded into one’s personality. Even if we inculcate certain habits like washing hands before meals, regular brushing of teeth, and bathing from a young age, we are not bothered about cleanliness of public places. Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” But cleanliness drive in high population density area like Bhagalpur, where massive population is unaware/careless about cleanliness, is a difficult job. In this regard, a frequent cleanliness drive is mandatory. Hence, our unit will work in this part also.
- Women’s empowerment awareness drive:Women’s empowerment is the most crucial point to be noted for the overall development of a healthy society. “This puts a strong emphasis on participation in political structures and formal decision-making and, in the economic sphere, on the ability to obtain an income that enables participation in economic decision-making.” As per our past experiences, women belonging to rural or deprived area are generally unaware of even their fundamental rights. In such cases, girl volunteers of our unit will work and explore their experiences to them. This drive will also include awareness drive on women and child safety.
- Interactive sessions with orphanage/old age home/disable persons: Last year, our volunteers had visited old age home at Nathnagar Bhagalpur, where they conducted cleanliness drive and interacted with older age people residing there. Volunteers could gain some vital experiences with these interactions and have planned to make more frequent visits to these places. Such interactive sessions are very relevant among youths.
Apart from above mentioned awareness campaign, some leading volunteers will be trained technically, so that they must be able to elaborate different topics via animation/simulation using power point presentation among learners. This innovative technique (for our volunteers) will help volunteers to demonstrate their speech more efficiently and impactfully. Moreover, volunteers will be assigned to collect different data (physical survey or literature survey) to create curiosity in their respective assigned area. If they are able to do some interesting/informative data collection, their studies will be definitely encouraged in the form of publication as review/research article in journals. Such activities will germinate a different way of thinking among volunteers and they will be able to correlate curriculum studies with its vital social values.
NSS Activities Report Last 05 years
NSS Annual Report 2018-19 |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/nss-18-19.pdf |
NSS Annual Report 2019-20 |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Important-NSS-activities-19-20-and-20-21.pdf |
NSS Annual Report 2020-21 |
NSS Annual Report 2021-22 |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Annual-Report_NSS_BNCollege-2021-22.pdf |
NSS Annual Report 2022-23 |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Annual-Report_NSS_BNC_BGP-2022-23.pdf |
NSS Annual Report 2023-24 |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/md-irshad-ali-nss-report-2023-24.pdf |
NSS Certificates ALL |
http://bncollegebgp.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/nss-certificates.pdf |
NSS – Award 2021
NSS Special Camp – March, 2019
International Women’s Day – 2022
World Environment Day 2021
International Yoga Day Celebration (2020)
https://bncollegebgp.ac.in/international-yoga-day-celebration-2020/ |
NCC – Health & Hygiene Activity
NSS During Covid19 LockDown |