3.5.1. Number of functional MoUs/linkages with institutions/ industries in India and abroad for internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research  during the last five years

Institutional data in the prescribed format

Summary of the functional MoUs/linkage/collaboration indicating start date, end date, nature of collaboration etc.

Sl. No. Name of the MoU / linkage Name of the  institution /  industry with whom the MoU / linkage is made, with contact details Year of signing MoU /  linkage Purpose of the MoU/Linkage (nternship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research) Duration of MoU /  linkage List the  actual  activities under each MOU/ Linkage  and web -links year-wise
1 MOU COMPUTER Technology and Research  Bhagalpur 2022 Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange 5 Years Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange

View MOU

2 MOU Internshala 2019 Intership 5 Years Internship View MOU
3 MOU AIC Educational Trust 2019 Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange 6 Years Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange

View MOU

4 MOU Manjusha Craft 2019 Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange 6 Years Training/ Project/ Faculty Exchange

View MOU

5 MOU Shri Shri Goshala Bhagalpur 2021 Vermicomposting/Scientific Research 5 Years Vermicomposting/Scientific Research

View MOU

List of year wise activities and exchange should be provided with MOU

  1. Internship Training & Awareness Training Conducted by ICA under the MOU 
  2. Art & craft Activity Organized Under the MOU of Manjusha Craft during NSS Special Camp 2022. Under this MOU we have potrait various Manjusha Art promoting cleanliness drive, Jal Jivan Hariyali, Women Empowerment and cultural heritage of Bhagalpur

3.  Various Computer Literacy Training Provided to Teaching & Non Teaching staffs of College by AIC under the MOU.

4. Internshala MOU – yearly students of B.N.College registered with Internshala and get benefited with  Training & Placement Programs. Regularly emails regarding various updates from Internshala received and we circulated it on various students groups. Few Screenshots are given below