Annual Reports

Annual Report 2017-18

Annual Report 2018-19

Annual Report 2019-20

Annual Report 2020-21

Annual Report 2021-22

Annual Report 2022-23

The Annual Report for provides a snapshot of our institution’s progress and accomplishments over the past year. Despite challenges, we have continued to uphold our commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and community engagement.

Key Highlights of this report:

Enrollment Growth: We are pleased to report a X% increase in enrollment compared to the previous year, reflecting our college’s growing reputation and appeal.

Student Success: Our students have achieved notable success, both academically and extracurricular, demonstrating their dedication and hard work.

Faculty Achievements: Our faculty members have been recognized for their outstanding contributions to teaching, research, and service, enhancing the quality of education at our college.

Infrastructure Development: Significant investments have been made in campus infrastructure, including the construction of new facilities and the renovation of existing ones, to provide students with a conducive learning environment.

Research Impact: Our research initiatives have made meaningful contributions to knowledge creation and dissemination, addressing pressing societal challenges and fostering innovation.

Community Engagement: We have deepened our engagement with the local community through various outreach programs, partnerships, and initiatives aimed at promoting education, health, and social welfare.

Financial Stability: Despite economic uncertainties, we have maintained financial stability and sustainability, ensuring the effective management of resources and investments in our institutional priorities.

Looking Ahead:

As we move forward, we remain committed to our mission of empowering students, advancing knowledge, and serving society. We will continue to adapt to changing needs and circumstances, embracing innovation and collaboration to achieve our goals.

We extend our gratitude to our students, faculty, staff, alumni, partners, and supporters for their invaluable contributions and unwavering dedication to the success of our college.


The Annual Report serves as a testament to our collective achievements and aspirations. Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in the lives of our students and the communities we serve.