Library & Teaching Learning Process


Library is a collection of source of information which makes accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It contains books, newspaper, manuscript, maps, prints, documents, microforms, e-books, data basics and others. The first library consisted of archives of the earliest form of writing- the clay tablets. The uniform script was discovered in summer dating back to two thousand six B.C

Library of Bhagalpur National College Bhagalpur serve in 3 ways of learning and teaching

  1. It serves a practical role in sharing expensive resources, physical resources such as book, graphics, periodical and databases etc. These contents of library help in both ways i.e. teaching and learning.
  2. The second role of the library is in preserving and organizing artifacts and ideas which make things accessible for future learners.
  3. Thirdly, libraries play a vital role in the social and intellectual manner by bringing together people and ideas.

This practical role of sharing resources in between teachers and learners in the classroom motivates them to come forward in knowledge sharing and transforming. In current scenario, the roles of libraries have been expanded and it is providing services to faculty and students involved in distance education. The expansion of education can be observed very easily as the distance education has become very much popular across the country. The quality of education is stretching at the very interior part of a nation successfully resulting in the increase of literacy percentage of nation which is enhancing gradually and speedily. The mode of education which libraries are adopting is remarkable. Proper successful distance education courses are really remarkable As a result; an economically weaker section of the community is also getting the quality education by this great role of ‘libraries’.

The Bhagalpur National College Bhagalpur library is an integral part of teaching and learning process. It facilitates the work of classroom teacher and helps each student to make them understand and gives a lot of opportunities to access the resource of desired information. In this context college library is enriched with various e-sources, like National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content, e-ShodhSindhu and subscription of Biojournal. The college library services help in so many ways:

  • Create and develop motivating, flexible, physical and digital learning spaces.
  • It equips students with the skills which is necessary to succeed in a frequently changing technological, social and economic environment.
  • It provides and promotes quality fictions to develop the students’ habits and enjoyment in reading and enrich their intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth.
  • The libraries support the teachers in access to relevant curriculum, information and professional development material within and outside the college and provide the opportunities to make a cooperative plan, implement and evaluate various kind of learning programme.

A library is the heart of academic activities of this college. The quality, growth, manners, etiquettes, human values, culture are greatly influenced by libraries. The teaching and learning process will certainly be lacking lustre without a good library. It is indispensable for student centered teaching and learning process. An ideal library of any college provides stimulation and inspiration to both teachers and students which develops an interest in the subject and wider the horizon of students. The library is not only the centre of academic learning; it also provides us the best company when we are idle, free, lonely and bored. Today when there is a tremendous explosion in knowledge at the very fast pace, the library provides requisite supplementary material and extra reading to the students to understand the subject and get the required information.

An ideal library plays a very crucial and instrumental role in developing teachers and students, enhancing teachers’ effectiveness in classroom in adopting the enormous mode of teaching which increases the classroom performance relatively. A great library promotes individual and group learning. It also helps in developing students’ vocabulary, enhance comprehensions, developing the habit of silent reading and problem-solving attitude of the students.

Last but not the least in present time the role of the library has increased and widened in so many ways, it functions as a kingpin of the educational arena where the wheel of education, individual growth, national progress and prosperity move around it. The social, educational and economic growth of an individual and nation always influences deeply by the nurturing libraries. Managing and sustaining the ideal library in every college and public domain have a great impact in the growth of human resource development and their upliftment for their bright future. Reading, the key to success, should be fun and not a chore.

Bhagalpur National College Bhagalpur has a well stacked library where an extensive reference and fiction collection is complemented with carefully selected magazines and periodicals. To inculcate the habit of reading, the students are advised from time to time by IQAC coordinator to go through books pertaining to Biographies and Encyclopedia, General Science and General awareness so as to be well versed about the same.

The spacious, well lit and well-equipped library of the college, boasts of its utility in its splendor. Numerous books, magazines and periodicals arranged in bookshelves. The college library caters to the diverse needs of students in respect to reference material, competitive exams and intensive study of all the subjects and aims at rediscovering the long forgotten love for reading. It equips students with life-long learning skills and develops in them creative thinking and imagination and enables them to live as ideal and responsible citizens.

Libraries allow students to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a student’s learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open. The College Library acts as a hub of all the activities, planned and executed in Bhgalpur National College Bhagalpur. The college celebrates a number of activities. As such, the Library acts as a catalyst in teaching and learning process and the role is as important as an architect remains in your ability to design a space that is socially, intellectually and emotionally conducive to “sense making” for the public.